Locks throughout history

The use of locks to guard valuables and personal items stretches back 4,000 years, with a long history of industrious and ingenious methods used to secure items. Though many of these methods are outdated, it’s easy to see how locks have evolved over time, and we can still learn from the philosophies of early lock makers and locksmiths.
The early history
The first locks were made of wood, and appeared in several places around the world at roughly the same time. There is some evidence to suggest wooden locks were used in Egypt around 4,000 years ago. These locks had a pin mechanism that relied on gravity and set the basis for locks of the future. As tool use and metalwork became more prevalent, wooden locks could no longer guarantee security, and locks made from various metals became the norm. The lesson? Stay up to date with technology.
The crocodile method
In India, under the rule of Emperor Annam, valuables would be locked in chests and sunk to the bottom of moats. The moats were full of crocodiles, and the only way the valuables could be retrieved was to drug or kill the crocodiles. What can we learn from this? Good security is more than just a lock. Multiple measures make home security more effective. Although we don’t recommend keeping crocodiles!
German misdirection
During the 14th – 17th centuries, German locksmiths became famous for crafting intricate and elegant locks that blended seamlessly into the crests and architecture of the nobility they worked for. Unfortunately, these locks added little to the mechanisms and security of the device. Instead, they relied on hiding the lock within the elaborate and ornate artwork that was popular at the time. Still, a hidden lock is better than no lock at all.
The art of designing a lock
Locksmith and metalwork spread through Europe as an art form. The complex design and construction of locks became a thing of wonder and awe, and locks were often put on display, their intricate workings exposed, to demonstrate the skill and capacity of the locksmith. This also gave rise to lockpickers. The moral? Don’t give away your home security secrets!
If you’re an ancient king and need help clearing out your crocodiles, or you’re just looking for a residential locksmith in Melbourne, why not give Melbourne City Locksmiths a call? From 4,000 year old locks to modern security, we can help.