We’re all going on a summer holiday

In summer, estimates show that crime rates shoot up by over 10%. Why? Everyone’s out of the house on holidays, so burglars take the opportunity to access empty homes. Even when people are not away on holidays, people tend to be out of the house more, taking advantage of daylight savings and lovely weather.
Factors that lead to increased home burglaries
In summer, as well as having the home empty for more hours than usual, people also want to increase airflow through their homes. This means burglars have increased the opportunity to enter through open windows and doors. This applies to both the home and the car.
Another key factor is that children are not at school, so regular routines are not adhered to. Whilst homes might be under tight lock and key during school days, shorter trips in and out of the house on school holidays might mean security routines are broken. When families are in and out of the home frequently, convenience dictates they might not set alarms or lock up as they usually would.
How to prevent summer crime
1. Make sure all windows and doors are closed and locked. Resist the temptation to leave windows even partially open, as this does increase the opportunity for a thief to access your home.
2. If you have a security code, make sure you set it – even if you believe you will be away for the shortest period of time.
3. Speak to a residential locksmith in Melbourne – they may have some great tips and tricks for protecting the home during summer months. Being local, they will have the greatest insight into local security issues.
4. Make sure everyone knows how and when to lock up, including the kids.
5. Take the holiday to ensure your locks, keys, and any other security systems are up-to-date. Maintenance on security systems should be done on an annual basis at a minimum, and summer is the perfect time to reinforce your home security.
Call Melbourne City Locksmiths to discuss increased security requirements over the summer months.